Tampomas Mountain Nature Park
Tampomas Mountain Nature Park in District Dua Buah, Congeang, Sindangkerta and Cibeureum Sumedang District. State of the field area of this Park is mountainous with altitude between 625-1684 meters above sea level.
Flora The vegetation of this region includes the type of mountain rain rain, flora made up of diverse species of trees and woody-poonan species of lianas and epiphyt group. Flora that dominates the region are: Jamuju (Podocarpus imbricatus) Rasamala (Altingia excelsea) Saninten (Castanea argentea) Fauna wildlife that live in this area are: Mouse Deer (Tragullus javanicus) Monkey (Trachypithecus auratus) Boar (Sus vitatus) Several species of birds .
Attractiveness Object Some interesting attractions in the area of Mount Tampomas namely: Peak of Mount Tampomas (Sangiang Taraje) With a height of ± 1684 meters above sea level, covering an area of 1 Ha is an open area. This location has a high aesthetic value because of this place, tourists can enjoy the beautiful natural scenery toward Sumedang and surrounding areas. The existence of craters craters and boulders big black adds richness to the viewer's imagination. The natural beauty of the flora and fauna that is still intact / original.
Nature tourism activities that can be done is: Enjoy the beautiful scenery and cool mountain climbing and cross country Photographing Camping Facilities Number of facilities and infrastructure is still very minimal.
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