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Dieng Culture Festival is cultural event or some sort of party people are usually held Dieng Plateau people each year.

Dieng Plateau is a tourist area in the center of the Banjarnegara district and Wonosobo regency, Central Java Province. This region altitude 2088 meters above sea level. No wonder, the temperature was quite cold, which is about 10°-20° C. Even in the dry season, this area can reach 0° C in the morning.
Dieng mountains is one of the resorts that suitable alternative for those of you who want to fill a long weekend. Attractive scenery, natural and Sightseeing Cultural heritage of diverse and varied, and interesting local culture.
It results in the Dieng tourist area is not only a wonderful place to visit but at the same time can enrich your knowledge about the culture and history.
Talk about cultural tourism, every year has always held a cultural event, Dieng Culture Festival which is very dear to you miss. Dieng Culture Festival is the annual Cultural Festival activities are held at the Dieng Plateau Tourism Area.
The event was celebrated by a series of art performances presented by local artists such as Lengger dance or Mask dance, Tek-tek (blend than bamboo musical instrument played with a certain rhythm to the song-usually some traditional songs), Rampak Yagsa dance and others.
Dieng is one of the main cultural attraction is Ruwatan Ritual the dreadlocked kids who are often found here.
Dieng is more famous for their stunning natural attractions, like the Dieng Temple, Color Lake, Canderadimuka Crater. But this culture not least interesting in Dieng. In Dieng area, famous for its culture of cutting hair or dreadlocks called Ruwatan ritual. No wonder, if in Dieng are doing this ritual, many visitors come from domestic and abroad.
Indeed, children - native son Dieng has its own uniqueness. Since born, their hair was matted. Even according to traditional community leaders Dieng, believed the dreadlocked kids this is a single child entrusted Kyai Kolodete (figure believed to open the Dieng plateau region).
Based on the trust of local people, dreadlocks can bring bad luck. Therefore, the dreadlocks to be cut. However, the shave is not easy. Must go through a ritual called Ruwatan ritual. That said, if the shaving of dreadlocks conducted without due process ruwatan ritual, then the dreadlocks will grow back, but if through the process ruwatan, dreadlocks will not grow again until the child is growing up. Ruwatan comes from the word "ruwat" which means to throw away. So it is expected after ruwatan, bad luck that brought the child is missing and turn bring the provision.
This ritual should be carried out as requested by the child. So that the parents do not force the child to shave his dreadlocks before the child's wishes. Besides ritual held in accordance with the funding ability than the parents. Because funding for ruwatan is not small. This is because, in a ritual ruwatan, children are usually put forward a request. The request should satisfied by her parents, if not will bring disaster.
A tradition in a culture are not integral to the myth or legend that accompanies the tradition. The ancestors inherited this tradition from generation to generation so that it becomes a ritual in a culture. This is the same as occurs in the Lombok Island that also has become an annual ritual festival motivated by the legend.
Bau Nyale Festival is a regular festival of Lombok Island people. The festival is held right on the 16 point South beach - Central Lombok which extends as far as tens kilometers from east to west as Kaliantan Beach, Kuta Beach or Selong Belanak Beach. But usually Seger Beach in Kuta village, Pujut subdistrict, Central Lombok is usually the site of this annual festival.
Bau Nyale Festival is a festival that is based on a legend. Nyale is derived from the name of a type of sea worms that normally live on the seabed or rock holes. According to local Nyale stories is the incarnation of Mandalika princess hairs.
Mandalika is a princess on the Lombok Island. Many princes her beauty was dazzling on the island of Lombok, so many who went to his marriage proposal. Confused, the princess decided to throw themselves into the South Coast. After the incident, every year comes the Nyale which is believed to be the incarnation of Mandalika princess hairs.
Bau Nyale Festival is essentially a ritual that usually catch sea worms come out at Kuta beach areas in certain months. Worms in green, brown, orange to red is going out at midnight to early morning when the coastal of sea began to recede.
These worms are captured, will be consumed by people with cooked and eaten together. According to specialists, Nyale or worms captured very good for consumption because it is rich in protein.
Before the celebration of the Festival Bau Nyale core begins, usually held several arts and traditional events such as betandak (unrequited rhyme), bejambik (giving the gift to a lover) and Belancaran (cruise boat). Not forgetting also the staging was performed drama of the story of Mandalika Princess.
After reading the prayer of a public figure, without command of thousands of people together then move down to the sea, to find Nyale. A variety of fishing gear used to catch Nyale, ranging from the net to use his bare hands.
The annual tradition in his suit giving the date of Sasak tribe, usually on one day in February and March, a date that was promised the Mandalika Princess to meet people.
When the sky began to lighten, Nyale disappeared, and the people back home, with their catch. Thus, an annual tradition has been carried out and thousands of residents will be re-assembled, when the Mandalika Princess - Nyale incarnation came back next year.
Bau Nyale Ceremony has become one of the attractions are eagerly awaited by many foreign tourists as well as a cultural asset that its implementation has become an event of national cultural events.
Bau Nyale Festival is attracting many people. Not only is the Lombok Island, but also visitors who want to see the uniqueness of this festival. Not only that, visitors can participate directly with the co-capture Nyale at the festival. The festival is also a means of unity among the community and visitors to the island of Lombok. As one of the artistic richness of Indonesian culture, Bau Nyale Festival has become a pride for the island of Lombok.
Bau Nyale Festival is a regular festival of Lombok Island people. The festival is held right on the 16 point South beach - Central Lombok which extends as far as tens kilometers from east to west as Kaliantan Beach, Kuta Beach or Selong Belanak Beach. But usually Seger Beach in Kuta village, Pujut subdistrict, Central Lombok is usually the site of this annual festival.
Bau Nyale Festival is a festival that is based on a legend. Nyale is derived from the name of a type of sea worms that normally live on the seabed or rock holes. According to local Nyale stories is the incarnation of Mandalika princess hairs.
Mandalika is a princess on the Lombok Island. Many princes her beauty was dazzling on the island of Lombok, so many who went to his marriage proposal. Confused, the princess decided to throw themselves into the South Coast. After the incident, every year comes the Nyale which is believed to be the incarnation of Mandalika princess hairs.
Bau Nyale Festival is essentially a ritual that usually catch sea worms come out at Kuta beach areas in certain months. Worms in green, brown, orange to red is going out at midnight to early morning when the coastal of sea began to recede.
These worms are captured, will be consumed by people with cooked and eaten together. According to specialists, Nyale or worms captured very good for consumption because it is rich in protein.
Before the celebration of the Festival Bau Nyale core begins, usually held several arts and traditional events such as betandak (unrequited rhyme), bejambik (giving the gift to a lover) and Belancaran (cruise boat). Not forgetting also the staging was performed drama of the story of Mandalika Princess.
After reading the prayer of a public figure, without command of thousands of people together then move down to the sea, to find Nyale. A variety of fishing gear used to catch Nyale, ranging from the net to use his bare hands.
The annual tradition in his suit giving the date of Sasak tribe, usually on one day in February and March, a date that was promised the Mandalika Princess to meet people.
When the sky began to lighten, Nyale disappeared, and the people back home, with their catch. Thus, an annual tradition has been carried out and thousands of residents will be re-assembled, when the Mandalika Princess - Nyale incarnation came back next year.
Bau Nyale Ceremony has become one of the attractions are eagerly awaited by many foreign tourists as well as a cultural asset that its implementation has become an event of national cultural events.
Bau Nyale Festival is attracting many people. Not only is the Lombok Island, but also visitors who want to see the uniqueness of this festival. Not only that, visitors can participate directly with the co-capture Nyale at the festival. The festival is also a means of unity among the community and visitors to the island of Lombok. As one of the artistic richness of Indonesian culture, Bau Nyale Festival has become a pride for the island of Lombok.
Hundreds of farmers' land of spices will overwhelm North Maluku. They marched in droves to show off the spice of West Halmahera region. Onslaught of spicy flavors and distinctive cuisine will color Jailolo Bay Festival 2012, on May 17, 2012.
This time, the themes raised are The Amazing Golden Spice Islands. The theme is a picture of the presence of spices or gold that he could make people live forever.
Not just proud of spice, this festival would feature three series of other major events, such as' party culture ', Sigofi Ngolo', and 'Cabaret at Sea'. Regent West Halmahera, Namto H. Roba says interesting differences in the organization of this year on the game treats Maluku traditional musical instruments.
Interestingly, during the party, party members will eat and drink the wine while dancing during the party time without stopping and without stopping to sleep. This is the uniqueness that is not found in other areas.
"There is a cultural event featuring the addition of an ancient musical instrument called Tataruba, musical instruments of bamboo that can be used similar drums," he said at a press conference in Namto Kementria Tourism and the Creative Economy.
Other Jailolo Gulf wealth that is not less fascinating is the beauty of the underwater world, especially the Gulf Jailolo Halmahera. Variety of wealth, among others, mandarin fish and coral stone. In addition, the Gulf Jailolo also has the unique wildlife and unique tourist attractions, namely the Bird Angel and waterfalls are directly connected to the sea.
May 17, 2012 Golden Spice Adventure will be held consisting of Spice Spices Parade or Parade which will have hundreds of farmers and spices from around the region of West Halmahera paraded with their costumes while showing off the spice.
Then there is the Spice Trip, along the historic places that had witnessed the triumph of the Moluccas, and the Spice Expo which is a bazaar of handicrafts, souvenirs, and spices processed products both in traditional medicine or food and drinks. There are also ritual sea 'Sigofi Ngolo', clean sea ceremony.
May 18, 2012 This festival will be held Jailolo enlivened with traditional party Jailolo community. With togetherness, community visitors and will burn as much as 10 tons of fish along the 6 kilometers in the seafront Gulf Jailolo.
May 19, 2012 For the last days there will be a Cabaret on The Sea, contemporary performing arts community pride Jailolo. The show not only presents a compelling story, but also colorful costumes that could spoil the eye of the beholder.
This time, the themes raised are The Amazing Golden Spice Islands. The theme is a picture of the presence of spices or gold that he could make people live forever.
Not just proud of spice, this festival would feature three series of other major events, such as' party culture ', Sigofi Ngolo', and 'Cabaret at Sea'. Regent West Halmahera, Namto H. Roba says interesting differences in the organization of this year on the game treats Maluku traditional musical instruments.
Interestingly, during the party, party members will eat and drink the wine while dancing during the party time without stopping and without stopping to sleep. This is the uniqueness that is not found in other areas.
"There is a cultural event featuring the addition of an ancient musical instrument called Tataruba, musical instruments of bamboo that can be used similar drums," he said at a press conference in Namto Kementria Tourism and the Creative Economy.
Other Jailolo Gulf wealth that is not less fascinating is the beauty of the underwater world, especially the Gulf Jailolo Halmahera. Variety of wealth, among others, mandarin fish and coral stone. In addition, the Gulf Jailolo also has the unique wildlife and unique tourist attractions, namely the Bird Angel and waterfalls are directly connected to the sea.
Particularly in areas of North Maluku.
Chain of events in the festival program is divided into the Gulf Jailolo:May 17, 2012 Golden Spice Adventure will be held consisting of Spice Spices Parade or Parade which will have hundreds of farmers and spices from around the region of West Halmahera paraded with their costumes while showing off the spice.
Then there is the Spice Trip, along the historic places that had witnessed the triumph of the Moluccas, and the Spice Expo which is a bazaar of handicrafts, souvenirs, and spices processed products both in traditional medicine or food and drinks. There are also ritual sea 'Sigofi Ngolo', clean sea ceremony.
May 18, 2012 This festival will be held Jailolo enlivened with traditional party Jailolo community. With togetherness, community visitors and will burn as much as 10 tons of fish along the 6 kilometers in the seafront Gulf Jailolo.
May 19, 2012 For the last days there will be a Cabaret on The Sea, contemporary performing arts community pride Jailolo. The show not only presents a compelling story, but also colorful costumes that could spoil the eye of the beholder.
Sentani Lake Festival is an annual tourism festival held around Lake Sentani. The festival is held since 2007 and has become an annual festival and included in the main tourism calendar. Sentani Lake Festival followed by many Dutch tourists and local visitors.
Sentani Lake Festival held in mid-June of each year for five consecutive days.
Carnival Sentani Lake Festival followed by the whole community in the District and the City of Jayapura Jayapura. Of each community both from outside Papua and in Papua who took part in the performances of traditional cultural displays, traditional dances accompanied by folk songs.
This festival is a testament to the maintenance of unity and oneness among fellow tribe, race, religion. Sentani Lake Festival will be crowded with a variety of local cultural activities, or from outside who want perpartisipasi. Cultural exhibits to be displayed are the things the Land Tabi Cultural and ethnic Papuans, both historical objects, carvings, paintings, as well as cultural and historical literature as well as documentary film completed. Not only that this show will also be filled with traditional dances on the boat, Papua typical war dances, Ondoafi coronation ceremonies, and serving a variety of culinary Papua.
Sentani Lake Festival aims to introduce to the people of Papua nationally and internationally, so that it can be said to know the World Papua through Sentani Lake Festival.
Sentani Lake Festival has a high historical value not only attended by the Jayapura District, but many people from outside who came to witness this festival.
Sentani Lake Festival held in mid-June of each year for five consecutive days.
Carnival Sentani Lake Festival followed by the whole community in the District and the City of Jayapura Jayapura. Of each community both from outside Papua and in Papua who took part in the performances of traditional cultural displays, traditional dances accompanied by folk songs.
This festival is a testament to the maintenance of unity and oneness among fellow tribe, race, religion. Sentani Lake Festival will be crowded with a variety of local cultural activities, or from outside who want perpartisipasi. Cultural exhibits to be displayed are the things the Land Tabi Cultural and ethnic Papuans, both historical objects, carvings, paintings, as well as cultural and historical literature as well as documentary film completed. Not only that this show will also be filled with traditional dances on the boat, Papua typical war dances, Ondoafi coronation ceremonies, and serving a variety of culinary Papua.
Sentani Lake Festival aims to introduce to the people of Papua nationally and internationally, so that it can be said to know the World Papua through Sentani Lake Festival.
Sentani Lake Festival has a high historical value not only attended by the Jayapura District, but many people from outside who came to witness this festival.
Kampung Tugu located in the village of Koja, East Jakarta Tanjung Priok area. Kampung Tugu currently has several native of Portuguese descent. Also seen some houses that are still stylish Betawi with a touch of Portuguese in it and there are houses that have been built since 1661, which until recently used as a gathering place for residents to practice Keroncong Tugu that is the hallmark of Kampung Tugu.
Kampung Tugu is the oldest village in Indonesia. It attracts many people with a stone Tugu and the inscription is the history of Kampung Tugu. In addition there is an old church that stood upright and still in active use by the public as a place of Protestant prayer.
At this time, a native Portuguese is rarely found. In this village only a few people who are descendants of the original Portuguese. Native people of Portuguese descent was much moved to another area and at this point most of the inhabitants of other regions that have been entered and stayed in the Kampung Tugu. There are several factors that led to the marriage of one of the cross with the outside community or the demands of the job that requires you to move to the outer regions, at least among the public Tugu marriage caused by the original Tugu population numbers less.
Kampung Tugu more important in close kinship thus established IKBT organization (Association of Family Tugu). By looking directly Tugu festival, one can say that no quitter IKBT in preserving the history, culture and history. Besides IKBT also invite young people from other communities to strengthen the family and also introduce cross-cultural collaboration.
With a strong history, people did not want to lose the Portuguese language for granted, therefore the people have agreed to preserve the language by working with schools in the Kampung Tugu. They taught the Portuguese language to the next generation become more aware and keep strengthening the historical Kampung Tugu.
Kampung Tugu is the oldest village in Indonesia. It attracts many people with a stone Tugu and the inscription is the history of Kampung Tugu. In addition there is an old church that stood upright and still in active use by the public as a place of Protestant prayer.
At this time, a native Portuguese is rarely found. In this village only a few people who are descendants of the original Portuguese. Native people of Portuguese descent was much moved to another area and at this point most of the inhabitants of other regions that have been entered and stayed in the Kampung Tugu. There are several factors that led to the marriage of one of the cross with the outside community or the demands of the job that requires you to move to the outer regions, at least among the public Tugu marriage caused by the original Tugu population numbers less.
Kampung Tugu more important in close kinship thus established IKBT organization (Association of Family Tugu). By looking directly Tugu festival, one can say that no quitter IKBT in preserving the history, culture and history. Besides IKBT also invite young people from other communities to strengthen the family and also introduce cross-cultural collaboration.
With a strong history, people did not want to lose the Portuguese language for granted, therefore the people have agreed to preserve the language by working with schools in the Kampung Tugu. They taught the Portuguese language to the next generation become more aware and keep strengthening the historical Kampung Tugu.