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What would happen if the natural beauty of the Kawah Putih and slopes Patuha combined with cultural and artistic action Sunda than local artists? Watching a performance of art and culture amid the wild mountains of South Bandung will be presenting a different sensation. A sensation that will bring you into the atmosphere in the past.
Kawah Putih(White Crater) Festival ready to make hundreds of people spellbound. The event will take place much fun activities, such as cross-country race to art performances involving thousands participants. The event will take place on June 6 to 15 July 2012. There are an estimated 1,000 people are involved and come to see this festival.
Kawah Putih is an excellent tourist destination in Bandung, West Java. This place has a natural overlay the beautiful and charming scenery.
Kawah Putih(White Crater)Festival is an annual agenda in the area attractions in the mountains of Ciwidey, Bandung by displaying a variety of potential local cultural arts.
Kawah Putih(White Crater) Festival activities inserts a message to increase the many visits into tourist attractions that are unique to the Crater Lake are green and mixed with sulfur content.
Few main agenda than activities of the White Crater Festival is staging art and culture than Bandung and the dance displays that tells about the beginnings of the Kawah Putih and progress.
They will also be held indigenous spiritual ceremony at the Kawah Putih citizens as a form of thanksgiving to God.
White Crater Festival aims to preserve the culture as an integral in the tourism, exposing the nature and culture of West Java, are reminding the public to cure homesickness and pride of culture and its traditions. The festival is also expected to make the culture as part than media interpretation of potential tourists and tourism in educating the public as well as invites the public to conserve natural resources wisely.
Various competitions. Arts festival that will appear in most cultures including Buhun, such sisindiran, rhymes, tarawangsa, celempungan, seuseungitan and whistle. You can also enjoy the other attractions are also located in the Ciwidey tourist areas such as hot springs and beautiful panorama Situ Cileunca.
In this festival, there will be plenty of activities ranging from Pasanggiri Tembang Kawah Putih, Giri Wana Rally (cross-country race), wedding festivals, and performing arts. Certainly, visitors can enjoy panoramic views than nearby Kawah Putih.
Tidore city is one of the islands in North Maluku province, Indonesia. The natural beauty of this charming island has to offer anyone who comes to visit here.
The city was formerly known since colonial times as cloves and nutmeg. The first Europeans to set foot on Tidore is of Spanish sailors who reached Tidore in 1512. The city also had to fight the provincial capital of West Irian. The natural beauty of this heritage is wrapped with a special attraction for Tidore.
Fortress Tore and Tohula a silent witness of Portuguese rule in Indonesia. The second fort was located nearby, both in the city center and close to Kedaton Kie, Throne of the Sultan of Tidore. Only 30 minutes from the Port Rum, you can ride Bentor or rental car to this place.
To reach the castle, it takes extra stamina. You need to go through dozens of steps and the hot sun. However, the air is cool and green trees will provide fresh during the trip. Entering the castle is free, aka do not pay.
Arriving at the castle, the blue sea and the island of Halmahera will welcome you. If the weather is sunny, it will produce very good images. Expanse of blue sea and clear and the reef will stretch quite tempting.
Not only that, you also can see the city from a height of Tidore. Coupled with the boats that pass, you will be guaranteed to linger at home there.
The second fort is not known exactly the year of manufacture. That said, the fort was used to see the ships to attack the headquarters of the Portuguese at the time. Remember, to always be careful and watch your step.
View from the fort is really amazing. A view that is very expensive.
The city was formerly known since colonial times as cloves and nutmeg. The first Europeans to set foot on Tidore is of Spanish sailors who reached Tidore in 1512. The city also had to fight the provincial capital of West Irian. The natural beauty of this heritage is wrapped with a special attraction for Tidore.
Fortress Tore and Tohula a silent witness of Portuguese rule in Indonesia. The second fort was located nearby, both in the city center and close to Kedaton Kie, Throne of the Sultan of Tidore. Only 30 minutes from the Port Rum, you can ride Bentor or rental car to this place.
To reach the castle, it takes extra stamina. You need to go through dozens of steps and the hot sun. However, the air is cool and green trees will provide fresh during the trip. Entering the castle is free, aka do not pay.
Arriving at the castle, the blue sea and the island of Halmahera will welcome you. If the weather is sunny, it will produce very good images. Expanse of blue sea and clear and the reef will stretch quite tempting.
Not only that, you also can see the city from a height of Tidore. Coupled with the boats that pass, you will be guaranteed to linger at home there.
The second fort is not known exactly the year of manufacture. That said, the fort was used to see the ships to attack the headquarters of the Portuguese at the time. Remember, to always be careful and watch your step.
View from the fort is really amazing. A view that is very expensive.
Yogyakarta is a favorite destination for any traveler. Nature, culture and atmosphere of Yogya very interesting! If there is time, there is no harm for a visit to the city, as well as treat part of the nostalgia in Yogya.
Not surprisingly, almost all the time always crowded Yogya city by visitors. This is caused because of the many destinations, tourist destinations in the city. Yogyakarta also become proper references an extended vacation time or on weekends.
Beside Prambanan Temple which is famous, there are many historic relics in Yogya. One is the Taman Sari Water Castle that is often called. The place is very pretty and beautiful. Taman Sari Water Castle is a large pool, which in ancient times was used as a place for bathing the consort of sultan. This place also has an underground mosque which is very unique. This place is also becoming a very interesting photo object.
Ratu Boko Temple not less gorgeous. This temple was built in the 8th century and has an area of 25 hectares. This place was once used as a place of meditation and to supplement science. Natural beauty was perfect, you can see the Prambanan Temple and Merapi volcano from above elevation.
If you want to learn the history of Yogyakarta, come to Yogyakarta Kingdom. At the cultural Palace, Yogya and Java is still very attached and you can feel. You can see the Javanese gamelan, the abdi dalem, and various collections of the Sultan. Not far from the Palace, there is a Banyan tree which has the twin myth are powerful. Its creation, if you can pass both the Banyan tree by the road between the two while closed his eyes, undoubtedly sustenance You smoothly.
Yogyakarta also has beaches that are very exotic. In addition, there is the Parangtritis Beach, Indrayanti Beach with its white sand Beaches and Sadranan that has a very beautiful coral reef. Not only that, the region of Gunung Kidul also has interesting beaches like Sundak Beach, Kukup Beach, and Baron Beach. The beauty of the beaches are very tempting!
One place dessert specials in Yogyakarta's Malioboro Street. Along this road, you can shop for clothes, batik, food, trinkets, and all manner of souvenirs typical of Yogya. This place is also referred to as a shopping paradise, because it is not only cheap but also the many goods on offer. Guaranteed, you will buy up a lot of groceries at this place.
There are many tourist destinations that You must visit in Yogya. A lot of the said traveler will not be satisfied, traveling to Yogyakarta, only one time. Bring along the family and your friends, "enjoy together, the atmosphere is so Easily."
Not surprisingly, almost all the time always crowded Yogya city by visitors. This is caused because of the many destinations, tourist destinations in the city. Yogyakarta also become proper references an extended vacation time or on weekends.
Beside Prambanan Temple which is famous, there are many historic relics in Yogya. One is the Taman Sari Water Castle that is often called. The place is very pretty and beautiful. Taman Sari Water Castle is a large pool, which in ancient times was used as a place for bathing the consort of sultan. This place also has an underground mosque which is very unique. This place is also becoming a very interesting photo object.
Ratu Boko Temple not less gorgeous. This temple was built in the 8th century and has an area of 25 hectares. This place was once used as a place of meditation and to supplement science. Natural beauty was perfect, you can see the Prambanan Temple and Merapi volcano from above elevation.
If you want to learn the history of Yogyakarta, come to Yogyakarta Kingdom. At the cultural Palace, Yogya and Java is still very attached and you can feel. You can see the Javanese gamelan, the abdi dalem, and various collections of the Sultan. Not far from the Palace, there is a Banyan tree which has the twin myth are powerful. Its creation, if you can pass both the Banyan tree by the road between the two while closed his eyes, undoubtedly sustenance You smoothly.
Yogyakarta also has beaches that are very exotic. In addition, there is the Parangtritis Beach, Indrayanti Beach with its white sand Beaches and Sadranan that has a very beautiful coral reef. Not only that, the region of Gunung Kidul also has interesting beaches like Sundak Beach, Kukup Beach, and Baron Beach. The beauty of the beaches are very tempting!
One place dessert specials in Yogyakarta's Malioboro Street. Along this road, you can shop for clothes, batik, food, trinkets, and all manner of souvenirs typical of Yogya. This place is also referred to as a shopping paradise, because it is not only cheap but also the many goods on offer. Guaranteed, you will buy up a lot of groceries at this place.
There are many tourist destinations that You must visit in Yogya. A lot of the said traveler will not be satisfied, traveling to Yogyakarta, only one time. Bring along the family and your friends, "enjoy together, the atmosphere is so Easily."

Taman Sari Water Castle was built in 1758 during the reign of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. Taman Sari as first place building or Yogyakarta King breaks and tours, namely The Sultan. The area was formerly Taman Sari 10 hectares with about 57 buildings both in the form of buildings, swimming baths, suspension bridge, water canals, as well as man-made Lake along with its artificial island and a tunnel under water. However, now remaining only partially ruins.
In General complex of Taman Sari consists of four parts. The first part is a man-made lake located to the West. The next part is the most buildings still clearly visible and beautiful located in the South of the Lake, among others. Reputedly formerly pool used by the Empress and Princess to shower, while the Sultan was looking over the Tower located on the side of the pool. Then the naked body is the most beautiful and interesting will be called to the Palace.
The third part is Pasarean Ledok Sari and Fitness Garjitawati located in the southern part of the second. The last part is the eastern part of the first and the second extends to the east to southeast Magangan complex.
Access to the Taman Sari is not difficult. All people know the location is not far from the point of Kilometer Zero Yogyakarta. You can get there by private cars, taxis and rickshaws. Simply providing money under 10 thousand dollars you can enjoy strolling the protected historic site. But do not come too late because the Taman Sari open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies conducted the original religion Marapu Sumba. Pasola is an integral part of the annual ritual and ceremony held in conjunction with Nyale smell that usually take place in February and March.
Pasola Festival is an annual festival that celebrated the community of West Sumba when starting the growing season. In celebration of this, each ward will compete dexterity on horseback, throwing the javelin into the opponent until the opponent to bleed.
The shape is at war in two groups Pasola done with rode. Each group consists of more than 100 young men armed with spears made of wood with a diameter of 1.5 cm ujungtumpul. In this battle, the participants and horses that fall should not be attacked, but any blood coming out is believed to enrich the soil and beneficial for the next harvest.
Pasola derived from the word "sola" or "hola", which means a type of wood used for the javelin throw of each other on a horse that is being driven hard by two opposing groups. After receiving uo `pa '(pa-sola, pa-hola), it means to be a game. So Pasola or arcade games pahola means throwing wooden spears from horseback is being driven tight between the two opposing groups. Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies are performed by people of Sumba are still adhered to the original religion called Marapu (local religious communities Sumba). Pasola games held in four villages in West Sumba district. These four villages include Kodi, Lamboya, Wonokaka, and Gaura.

Sumba has the grandeur of nature and culture as well exceptional magical. Contours of the island of Sumba is hilly not many plants that grow on it because it is formed of limestone especially nutrient-poor rain seldom falls. However, the truly captivating natural beauty and tourist destinations like being asleep.
To get to Sumba, there are daily flights from Bali to Waingapu in East Sumba and West Sumba Tambolaka. Sumba island can also be reached from Maumere on Flores.
Pasola Festival is an annual festival that celebrated the community of West Sumba when starting the growing season. In celebration of this, each ward will compete dexterity on horseback, throwing the javelin into the opponent until the opponent to bleed.
The shape is at war in two groups Pasola done with rode. Each group consists of more than 100 young men armed with spears made of wood with a diameter of 1.5 cm ujungtumpul. In this battle, the participants and horses that fall should not be attacked, but any blood coming out is believed to enrich the soil and beneficial for the next harvest.
Pasola derived from the word "sola" or "hola", which means a type of wood used for the javelin throw of each other on a horse that is being driven hard by two opposing groups. After receiving uo `pa '(pa-sola, pa-hola), it means to be a game. So Pasola or arcade games pahola means throwing wooden spears from horseback is being driven tight between the two opposing groups. Pasola is part of a series of traditional ceremonies are performed by people of Sumba are still adhered to the original religion called Marapu (local religious communities Sumba). Pasola games held in four villages in West Sumba district. These four villages include Kodi, Lamboya, Wonokaka, and Gaura.

Sumba has the grandeur of nature and culture as well exceptional magical. Contours of the island of Sumba is hilly not many plants that grow on it because it is formed of limestone especially nutrient-poor rain seldom falls. However, the truly captivating natural beauty and tourist destinations like being asleep.
To get to Sumba, there are daily flights from Bali to Waingapu in East Sumba and West Sumba Tambolaka. Sumba island can also be reached from Maumere on Flores.
Natuna, is one of the regencies in Riau Islands Province. Natuna is the most northern islands in the Strait of Karimata in the north, Natuna bordering Vietnam and Cambodia, while in the South, Natuna is bordered by South Sumatra and Jambi. To the west, bordering Natuna to Singapore, Malaysia. And eastern borders with East Malaysia and West Kalimantan.
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Natuna Beach |
During this time, the Natuna residing on International cruise line is known as a producer of Oil and Gas. However, Natuna not only save the earth, because a lot of places can be used as local excursions, with the natural charm of beaches and the presence of marine parks is quite beautiful white sand coupled with the existing on some islands could certainly be used as a park., And the islands a beautiful place to visit.
Natuna has a lot of tremendous potential, this district has a panoramic view of unspoiled natural beauty. Cluster-cluster of islands, coral reefs, marine life, granite mountains, waterfalls. Very rich Natuna natural potential but I still minimal access and support facilities.
Who said Jakarta has no interesting sights? Jakarta is not only packed with tall buildings, but also still keep the old historic buildings. Jakarta Old Town with its unique cultural assets, a lovely panorama, and a myriad of entertainment where tourism is an informative and exciting vacation.
Greet historic buildings, along the museum, taste the various forms snacks, and out of the gangway, and mingle in dense settlements are some activities that we can enjoy in the old city tour. In the adventure that we will also find pieces of the nation's history and metamorphosis of the city along the entire trip story. Browsing the old city is guaranteed to be outings to enrich the experience and broaden the horizons of knowledge.
You can start your tour of the city station, the station that has been around since the 1930s it became a landmark and the old city is the center of all train journeys in his time and is the first station are made.
Apart from the city station you can visit historical museum Jakarta or what we know as the Museum Fatahilah. This three floors building was once the courtrooms, offices, and prisons. You can see the cells with iron bars measuring 8m x 3m complete with iron balls weighing 100 kg.
Once satisfied to admire the architecture of old buildings you can go to the bridge kota intan. Bridge Kota Intan which has changed its name five times it has a lever that can be drawn upwards when there are boats crossing the river below.
As a final tour in the old town you can close it by looking at the sunset at the port of Sunda kelapa. Port of the evidence that Indonesia was the nation's sailors have been in operation since the 12th century. In this port Phinisi many ships anchored, a condition that is rarely encountered as the inhabitants of the city center. You can also go upstairs Phinisi boat or you can navigate the ocean around the port by boat up the boat.
The most interesting part of this tour the old town you can ride around the old town with a lot of rented bicycle around the old town. Tour the old city can release the fatigue of your daily routine.
Jakarta Old Town
Tana Toraja, a famous tourist attraction with its cultural richness. District which is located about 350 km north of Makassar is very famous with their customary form of house building. The traditional house is named Tongkonan. The roof is made from bamboo is split and stacked compiled, but now many are using zinc. Tongkonan also has a corresponding degree of aristocratic strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and brass.
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Places of Interest in Tana Toraja - Sulawesi |
As one tourist attraction Indonesia, Tana Toraja has a famous tourist attraction with its cultural richness. The following list of some interesting places in Tana Toraja that you might visit:
Tongkonan Pallawa is one tongkonan or custom homes are very appealing and are among the bamboo trees on the hilltop. Tongkonan is decorated with a number of buffalo horn that is attached at the front of the custom house. Located about 12 km to the north of Rantepau.
Londa is the steep rocks on the side of a typical tomb Tana Toraja. One of them is located in a high hill with a cave in the crates in which the corpse is set according to the family line.
On one side is left open other hill overlooking the green expanse of scenery. Located about 5 km to the south of Rantepau.
Ke'te Kesu
Fascinating objects in the village of Tongkonan, granary and surrounding buildings in the megaliths. About 100 yards behind this village there is a cliff burial site with tombs dependent and tau-tau in a given building stone fence.
Tau-tau shows the appearance of the owner daily. This village is also known for its expertise sculpture owned by the inhabitants as well as a great place to shop for souvenirs. Located about 4 km from southeast Rantepau.
Stone Tumonga
In this area you can find around 56 stone menhirs in a loop with four trees in the middle. Most of stone menhirs have a height of about two to three meters.
From this place you can see the beauty rantepau and the surrounding valley. Located in an areas with altitude 1300 Meters above sea level.
This place is often referred to as the home of spirits. In the cemetery you can see the corpse Lemo yanng stored in the open air, amid the steep rocks. Burial complex is a mix between death, arts, and ritual.
At certain times, the clothes of the corpses will be replaced with a ceremony Ma Nene. Located in District Tana Toraja.
Places Interest Tana Toraja
Enjoying Beautiful City Tours Malino - Malino tourist town located 90 km south of Makassar of South Sulawesi provincial capital. Enjoy the beautiful tourist city of Malino. Is one of the attractions of nature that has its own charm.
Malino Forest Tourism is the most beautiful tourist area, with shades of beautiful mountains, the air is cool air, rows of pine trees that shade, making it a small town visited mainly on holidays.
In the higher regions, visible expanse of vegetable crops are green. Farmers grow cabbage in Malino, vetsai, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes. All can be enjoyed with the local prices. While in the area "Pattapang, there is a green stretch of tea gardens. Wow, magnificent.
There is one special in Malino, namely passion fruit plantation. Malino passion fruit flavor was distinctive, combination of sweet and sour that fit. Fresh. In the market, visitors can enjoy a ripe passion fruit directly or buy the processed form of the local population syrup and jam.
If you want to stay overnight and enjoy the beauty of the Malino for several days, there are lodging facilities. There are villas, lodging, and hotel complete with restaurant and sporting and entertainment facilities.
Cangkuang Temple is a temple of Hindu cultural heritage in the VIII century located in West Java. The temple in which there is a statue of the god Shiva's whereabouts unknown in 1966 on the basis of written Vorderman, in Minute book Bataviaasch Genootschap in 1893.
Cangkuang area is a tourist attraction in the form of lakes, Pulo village with home cultures, and a temple on an island in the middle of the lake. The island is actually like a peninsula that juts eastward into the middle of the lake.
Cangkuang Temple is located on an island of small elongated, stretching east-west direction with a size of 16.5 hectares. This small island located in the middle of a lake known as Situ Cangkuang. In addition there are islands of the lake is long, there are also two other islands are located in the south and southeast of the island long. Both these islands are smaller and slightly rounded shape. All around this small island is a watery swamp land.
Feelings of awe, but the heart feels peaceful and calm when passing through the lake known as Situ Cangkuang. This is due in this unusual journey, you can enjoy the natural beauty that given the existence of a unique lake and surrounded by several mountains are mountains Haruman, Kaledong mountain, mountain Mandalawangi and mountain Mandalawangi Guntur.
One more feature of this area there is Pulo village with traditional houses. The house rules are simple but extraordinary. In the village there are 7 homes allocated to the child "grandparent Dalem" consisting of 6 women and 1 man. 7th house is 6 houses that lined face three left and 3 right hand and a mosque (house boys). The number of homes should not be added to existing homes and 6 should not comprise more than six heads of households so that when someone got married, the child must come out. As per rules of the houses are owned by the women and not men. Other villages such rules should not be hitting the gong and should not be raising cattle quadrupeds. If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to visit this special place.
Bontang Kuala is one of the resorts in Bontang, East Kalimantan. Bontang Kuala located at the east end of Bontang and dealing directly with the Makassar Strait.
There would be a complete visit Bontang, if not yet set foot in one of the culinary tourism and the community, Bontang Kuala. Icon City Park is located in the southern city of Bontang it is a residential area directly adjacent to the Sea region.
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Resorts in Bontang Kuala - East Kalimantan |
No wonder if every dusk, two-wheeled vehicles crowded the walkways Bontang Kuala settlement. They throng rushing toward the area of culinary tourism. The majority of houses and paths in Bontang Kuala typically made of wood called the Wood Ulin Kalimantan.
In restaurants and cafes are located on the shoreline and the sea water above it, guests will be pampered her with open landscapes and the breeze from the sea. For those who want to enjoy the beauty of Sunset. while enjoying the cuisine and beverages, Bontang Kuala is a very precise location. If you want to feel the pulse of the sea lane Longer life, local residents can prepare accommodation for tourists who want to stay.
Bontang Kuala residential areas there are a number of rituals are routinely held at Bontang Kuala coast. One of the mass activities of local residents is the Feast of the Sea are generally held every summer. Sea party that was held for about a week's diverse attractions featuring the art of dance. On that occasion, a number of historic items such as kris, spears and found an old jar of local residents are also showcased.
Dieng volcano is made up of parents who experienced a drastic reduction (dislocations), by fracturing the northwest and southeast. The old volcano is Mount Prau. In the section that collapsed was emerging, the small mountains: Mount Alang, Mount Nagasari, Mount Panglimunan, Pangonan Mountain, Mountain and Mount Pakuwaja Gajahmungkur.
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Dieng - Banjarnegara Amazing world |
Dieng is a region in the highlands on the border between the District Banjarnegara and Wonosobo regency, Central Java.
Dieng is a beautiful tourist attractions and a peaceful and passion to save a million challenges scientists to do research.
Dieng region has a high tourism potential. Famous tourist attraction is there are two sources of hot springs, namely Pengamoman Lor and Pengamoman Kidul. The object is suitable for geological research on hot springs in the Dieng Mountains region. Attraction is very promising, such as a color lake attraction, watching movies Dieng, and its crater, very promising.
One Destination Tour Dieng Plateau Central of java, which is very unique in the Dieng plateau is steep and rugged but planted by a variety of plants and vegetables. Since the first area of Dieng plateau is located in Wonosobo regency is known as a center for various kinds of plants and vegetables, besides the morning Dieng was very cool and we do not know when the fog fell which made the atmosphere became more mystical.
Exotica scene of this region have no doubt, there are many objects that you can enjoy the landscape. Like the lake Telaga Warna one of the most visited by tourists, here we can see three kinds of lake blue, green and brown. Although there are many other lakes such as lake Merdada, Sumurup and Pengilon.
Maimun palace is one of the iconic city of Medan, North Sumatra, is located in the village Talbot, Maimun Medan district.
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The palace Maimun - Medan |
Maimun palace was designed by Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli, Ma'mun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam in 1888, the Palace has an area of 2772 Maimun m2 and 30 rooms.
With a building area and wide area home, her figure looks very striking in downtown Medan. First entered the front page, the atmosphere of "calm" immediately welcomed. A gentle breeze was blowing cool yard front porch of this magnificent palace. The roof which rises as high as 5 -8 yards to make the temperature inside the room feels very cozy.
The interior design of this palace is one of the main attraction. The combination between Islamic tradition and culture seemed to dominate Europe. In addition to that seen in the hall, the ground floor of the building also shows the influence of Europe. According to the story, at the start of construction throughout the main building materials are imported from European palaces, such as tile, marble and terrazzo. The influence of Dutch architecture are seen at the door and the window width and height, as well as the hallway or the Spanish-style main corridor to be part of the Palace Maimun. Dutch influence was also seen on the marble slab in front of the marble staircase which was written with Latin letters in Dutch.
Another interesting part of the main space is the availability of 20 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, storeroom, kitchen, and a small prison, an extraordinary number of luxury rooms in an age before! Comparing the function room of modern home of today, the Palace Maimun already run an efficient concept of function space in a house diera 1800's. Room overall disayap scattered left and right side and the segment behind the palace. The existence of the room is still there until now, and still can be seen from the outside courtyard.