
History & Mystery of Mount Tampomas

Mount Tampomas with the power of natural phenomena is so beautiful, unique, mysterious and adventurous spirit to be able to tempt the adventurous to climb outdoors. Moreover, on the other side of Mount Tampomas always associate with those things or all kinds are a little bit smelly Magic.

History & Mystery of Mount Tampomas

Initially, the mountain was named Mount Gede, and previously named mountain Geulis. But people who mengkeramatkan Mount Indramayu they call it Mount Tampomas. Tompo receiving Gold = gold (in the form of heirloom weapons made ​​of metal called pendok Mas mas that are stored on top of the mountain with supernatural way that the mountain was not erupting).

"tos dido'akeun ku sepuh-sepuh kapungkur supados teu bitu deui" and what happens? it appears Cipanas Conggeang gas and water as waste heat from inside the belly of the mountain. Indeed, in the history of Mount it used to erupt and cause suffering people around the mountain. Even the capital of the kingdom also moved, to have capital in Tanjungsari The Sumedang town right now is made ​​in the Netherlands.

Mount Tampomas is not as famous as the other mountains in Indonesia especially in Java. Mystery Mountain Tampomas does not pick can be separated by the tomb and relics of the Sacred Site (former) King Siliwangi feet. On the Slopes Tampomas also found Stone pictorial, Fractions ARCA, Stone Fence, Small Pyramid, and the Statue of Ganesha is found by a team of researchers from the Foundation for Archaeological Sites. Padaringan is found on the eastern slopes of Mount Tampomas in the surrounding Ciputrawangi, Leuweung Temple, Peak Narimbang, Batu Lawang , Rice Kalapa, Peak Block Manik and Cibenteng.

Mattresses are said to be the stone bed Stone Padaringan King Siliwangi and supposedly in use or place where offerings deliberation. This proves that Tampomas Mountain area rich in natural beauty, cultural heritage and the history of keraja'an Pajajaran

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