
Wediombo Beach; How to Enjoy the Other Each

If you're traveling to Yogyakarta or Solo, it's worth taking the time to travel to Wediombo beach. You will be treated to the beauty of virgin nature and spiritual tourism in the Wediombo beach impressive.

Wediombo beach has not been explored as a tourist safari park so it is still somewhat foreign to the ear. However, the sensation of the tours offered truly comparable, even more because of the uniqueness of this beach is different from other beaches.

Wediombo Beach; How to Enjoy the Other Each

The beach is not so well known, still less popular than it does for example Parangtritis beach, or even with other beaches in the Gunung Kidul area as Krakal beach, Baron beach. But Wediombo beach has a panorama of nature is so amazing, the beauty of this unspoiled beach.

Wediombo beach has a very long coastline, as well as white sand and coral hills which stood firm like small islands floating on the ocean. Wediombo beach also has a typical southern beaches the waves are so big, and the sound waves on the Wediombo beach sound so sweet as dusk to greet us. Residents around the Wediombo beach living as farmers, not fishermen on this coast because the waves are so big sailboat does not allow to go to the sea. But sometimes there are some people who go fishing from the hills around the edge of the ocean reef Wediombo.

If we are down the line Wediombo beach, we can find small caves hidden in the coral reef. For visitors who intend to set up camp on this beach are advised to bring fishing gear, because after enjoying the evening we could spend the night with the lure of the hill of coral and fish dinner we accompanied the teaser sound waves and sky Wediombo beach. The next morning we could take a walk along the shoreline, we can find many other beauty hidden there.

To visit between the months of July, August and September, visitors can see the Rasulan tradition or Clean village which was held once a year after harvest. Rasulan held in several areas, among others reog arts, puppet show, mix juice and some other local arts.

In addition Rasulan there is also another ritual that is Ngalangi. Ritual Nglangi or swim is held every year aims to avoid the accident. The ceremony was conducted at the Beach Wediombo is to bring the offerings containing a variety of dishes and a few other ingredients which are then taken to the sea.

The procession of the ceremony is unique, starting with events stretching gawar or netting made ​​of tree wawar. These types of nets used to catch fish is said before the nets of strings that is used now. Gawar Kedongkowok stretched from the hills to the coastal tidal areas. Stretching done at high tide, the goal is to trap the waves so that fish can not be carried back to sea.

You will not be disappointed when visiting Wediombo beach because beaches was standing on the edge of complete facilities such as ample parking space, adequate toilet and to indulge tongue here have built stalls selling a wide assortment of foods, ranging from traditional foods village Jepitu , hawker stalls and food in general.

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