
Towards Alternative to Bangka Belitung Island

There are various alternatives that you can use to get to the Bangka Belitung Islands. Good for you who want to travel to the beach or for those who want culinary tour. There are alternatives available from the airlines and from the cruise that only operate once a week. The alternatives are as follows:

Towards Alternative to Bangka Belitung Island

Towards an alternative to Bangka Island where you can choose are as follows:

Plane ride from Batam (Hang Nadim Airport) to Pangkal Pinang (Amir Depati Airport). As before, the price of the aircraft here are always changing. To know the exact price on airline tickets please ask your travel agent in your city. The plane was flown here from the airline, Lion Air, Sky Aviation, and Aviastar Please check the schedule and also the price for a flight to find out definitely this Pangkal Pinang. Vice versa if from Pangkal Pinang to Batam.

Ship of Kijang Port to Tanjung Gudang Belinyu Port. Types of ships that departed there was a KM Bukit Raya and KM Sirimau. This cruise cruise 2 times a week there, which is KM Bukit Raya once a week and KM Sirimau one-week cruise. For the price you can ask directly on your choice of travel agents.

For To Go the Belitung Islands to the Batam Island this if there is no other alternative but to transit via Pangkal Pinang. In other words, you need to Pangkal Pinang first and then go back to the Bangka Belitung Islands. But may transit in Jakarta, but the cost if transit in Jakarta will be more expensive. So it would be better if the transit in Pangkal Pinang, or could be vacationing in advance on Bangka Island. It would be more fun if you can vacation directly to the Bangka Island, and also Belitung Island.

Long journey: The plane ride from Batam to Pangkal Pinang approximately 45-60 minutes Boat ride from Batam to Belinyu approximately 16-18 hours

*Info is subject to change at any time in accordance with the provisions of the airline or cruise party.

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