Anoi Itam Beach; Hypnotize your Eyes
Indonesia's natural wonders and beauty is never exhausted. So many beautiful places in Indonesia. One more of the many riches in Indonesia that can be found there in the west of Indonesia.
Located on the island of Sabang, an island with exotic sights and has a unique characteristic. Talking about Sabang, of course not be separated from the surrounding beaches. The beaches in Sabang are still very natural and clean.
The beauty of a beach is not only of the natural landscape surrounding it. Sand beaches are also influential in beautifying the beach. Indonesian waters most of the region also has a sand beach with a wide range of interesting shapes and textures.
Anoi beach has black sand and the only beach in Aceh who have this type of sand.
The beauty of this beach lies on black sand visible contrast with the white stones scattered over it.
But, if you want to swim at the Anoi Beach, you should be careful because a lot of sharp rocks and the waves are big enough.
Regardless, Anoi Itam Beach has views that are not inferior to other beautiful beaches. Sand on the beach is said to contain nickel which weighs three times more than other black sand.
On this island is also a small Japanese castle, in a position in front of the sea.
From the top of the castle, you also can see the extent of the oceans decorated with turquoise shades are very pretty. In addition, visitors can also see the expanse of sea and mountain Seulawah.

Visitors usually come to the Anoi Itam Beach very diverse, ranging from the local community, local tourists and foreign tourists. For beach lovers try to visit here! Uniqueness and beauty of the Anoi Itam Beach certainly hypnotize your eyes.
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