
Parade Ogoh-ogoh; Travelers Expected Become Viewing

Ogoh-ogoh parades or giant puppets held by the City of London is expected to be a spectacle of interest to tourists who were vacationing in Bali. "The parade is followed by 20 units is the result of selection from hundreds of ogoh-ogoh in four districts, which have been assigned the jury and subsequently exhibited at the roundabout Chess Home or in the heart of Denpasar," said Sub-Section Head of Public Relations and Protocol Coverage in Denpasar, Dewa Gede Rai in Denpasar. (03/20/2012)

Parade Ogoh-ogoh; Travelers Expected Become Viewing

According to Dewa Rai, cultural parade is a form of appreciation of the valuable works of art by the sekaa youth or youth groups in town. "We believe this parade will be interesting spectacle, because the activity is only held once a year," he said.

God Rai also said, related to the number of parade diverted roadway in an effort to reduce congestion driving. "A number of traffic flow into the roundabout will be diverted Chess face. Vehicles coming from the east will be diverted into Street Patimura Kepundung or Captain General, while coming from Udayana Street will be diverted to Beliton Island Road."

While coming from Street Gajah Mada to Chess Front Street diverted to Sumatra. "We hope people who are not interested to the face as it avoids Chess lines, because there will be a flow," he said.

Ogoh-ogoh parade, according to Dewa Rai, will begin at 16:00 pm to finish on Thursday (3/22/2012). During the march a main heart of the region is free from the vehicle.

He hopes the parade participants to bring ogoh-ogoh early to the parade and placed in accordance with the original district. After the parade ended, the participants are expected to memprelina or burn-ogohnya ogoh respectively. (kompas)

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