
Widarapayung Beach charm, beauty and uniqueness of Natural Combination

Beach Widarapayung is a tourist attraction located in the District Binangun Cilacap coast with area of 500 hectares. Condition is very gently sloping beach on the fence with palm trees that have not been so high. Beautiful beaches with waves rolling high enough. The beach is suitable for water sports surfing.

Widarapayung Beach
Widarapayung Beach charm

Widarapayung offers a beautiful panorama of the beach with huge waves and relatively high so as not safe enough to play with the waves. The waves big enough, so if want to play must remain vigilant. Down the gurgle of the waves and beautiful sand beach Widarapayung cause us to linger comfortable playing so sometimes lose track of time.

Wild coastal scenery can be enjoyed as well Widarapayung in selter-selter and stalls are located along the coast. Not only stretch of beach exotic, beautiful and charming. Relatively large waves that challenged surfers to enjoy the ocean waves roll. So pity to miss especially when dusk. No wonder that many tourists outside the region who come, not even a little is spent on the beach. They come not just on Sundays or holidays such as Eid alone. Almost every day from morning until dusk is always crowded with tourists.

Local residents along this beach provides a surfboard that can be used to practice surfing for beginners. Not only that, to indulge [Swimming pool complement the beach Widarapayung] visitors are also available recliner and a sofa placed on the beach.

Liveguard just like in the movie Baywatch also ready to help and provide first aid for every visitor. Also available a swimming pool and fresh water baths that can be used for any age after playing around the beach.

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