Panca Park Yadnya In Bali Botanical Garden
Hindu society is always associated with religious ceremonies. And the plant has a very important role in these activities. Each plant part used, ranging from flowers, leaves, fruit, or wood, has a special meaning in every utilization.
A beautiful harmony between the Hindu culture of Bali and the Bali Botanical Gardens can be seen in the garden area of 5.53 hectares Panca Yadnya. There are about 225 species of plants from various districts in Bali into a collection of the garden. Plants were collected is a plant commonly used as building materials, decoration temple, offerings and other religious ceremonies.
"In Bali, people use about 300 types of plants for the ceremony. Canang or offerings placed in every room in the house also in the car and the driveway. Just imagine how many parts of the plant used for this purpose, every day."
No wonder, if there are certain plant species that has begun to rare in Bali, which ultimately must be imported from other islands in Indonesia such as young coconut leaf. Therefore, the Botanical Garden as an institution ex-situ conservation of plants has a strategic role for the efforts to rescue and protection of diversity of plant species that have been degraded in their natural habitat.
The name refers to the five Panca Yadnya main activity of the offering Hindu community in Bali, Dewa Yadnya (a gift to Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa), Pitra Yadnya (offerings to ancestors), Resi Yadnya (offering as recompense to the clergy for guidance), Human Yadnya (holy sacrifice for the salvation of mankind), and Bhuta Yadnya (offerings to the Bhuta Kala).
Panca Yadnya In the park, you will find many interesting plants for the ceremony, among others cempaka (Michelia champaca L) Trijata (Medinilla speciosa Bl), Uduh (Caryota mythic Lour.) and Majegau (Dysoxylum caulotachyum) which is the mascot of Bali island flora.
Link sobat udah tak pasang di sidebar blog Rpp SIlabus,, salam kenal dari riau,,, gomong2 holiday mamboo itu apaan yah???
trus kalau bisa form komentnya dipasang dibawah post aja deh biar lebih mudah, dan jangan pake code dunk,,, ribet,,, hehehe
maaf komentnya panjang,,,
ok, happy blogging ya. holidaymamboo mempunyai filosofi; memberikan informasi tempat liburan "may best of others"[mamboo]
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